Allan M. Goldstein

Allan Goldstein is the founder of GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group. Allan has extensive experience in all areas of family law including the area of domestic violence. Allan has sat on the board of directors for a Toronto woman’s shelter and volunteers his time speaking about family law at shelters and community centres in the Greater Toronto Area. Allan regularly appears at various courts throughout the Greater Toronto Area and has made appearances at the Ontario Court of Justice, Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Appeal. Through years of experience and passionate advocacy, Allan has earned the respect of other Ontario lawyers as well as Ontario judges. For those clients who want to pursue an alternative to litigation, Allan Goldstein also has experience as a Family Law Mediator, having received training in interest based mediation.
The GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group represents clients in a variety of family law matters, including divorce, separation, child custody and access, child support, spousal support, property division, grandparents’ rights, and restraining orders. With nearly 20 years of experience practicing law, Allan Goldstein can give you sound legal advice, negotiate and prepare documents and agreements, and represent you in court, mediations, or other legal proceedings. Allan Goldstein and his staff are committed to providing the highest quality of legal care and dedication to the success of your unique case. Allan’s office is located at 45 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 104, Toronto, Ontario M2N 5W9, or he can be reached at 1-866-582-5337.
Phone: 1-866-582-5337
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